Saturday, December 6, 2014


1.    RESEARCH AN IDEA: - Figure out an idea that will be borne out of passion or special skill you have mastered in the course of performing your duties. Analyze the market, talk to prospective customers about what they would like, check your competitors strength and weaknesses to see how you can tap into the opportunity therein the business idea of your choice.

2.    UNDERTAKE LEGAL INCORPORATION: - Even while you are still involved in paid employment, it is important to have it at the back of your mind that the company belongs to somebody else no matter how much effort you dissipated in making it grow. Therefore, registering a business name or incorporation should be undertaken as soon as the fund is available, these will prepare you for the challenges ahead and it gives you a sense of ownership of a prospective business.

3.     CREATE A WEB AND MEDIA PRESENCE: - Try to build a web presence and create a media platform where you can launch your start-up. It is an avenue to test the pulse of your prospective customers.
4.    GET A BANK ACCOUNT FOR YOUR BUSINESS NAME OR INCORPORATION:- It is important to get a bank account for your registered business so as to lay a solid foundation for a wider acceptance as it is more convenient and safer for people to deal with a legal entity rather than non-legal entity.

5.    INITIATE A SOCIAL MEDIA TOOL: - A Facebook page, Twitter handles; a Blog account; Instagram; LinkedIn; and other social media platforms are almost free to initiate and adopted as a veritable tool for start-ups.
6.    DEVELOP A BRAND MODEL: - Look for a simple brand model to adopt in the early part of your business idea, you can outsource the personalization of your Logo, color, theme, brand statement; etc to a professional who will do at a cost. Fiverr is a sure avenue to get the cheapest offer for these kinds of services.

7.    COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE ON YOUR NETWORKS:- Communicating your ideas and potential must be first channeled to family; friends; Club members; religious members; neighbours; etc. This group of people to me is a familiar terrain of prospective customers who will take delight in seeing your business blossom.
8.    CAREFULLY DRAFT A BUSINESS PLAN: - A well crafted business plan is a panacea to a successful start-up. If you cannot handle the technicality of writing a bankable business plan, give it to the expert to do for you as it shouldn’t cost fortune to achieve.
9.    START PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING: - You can start by saving some fund from your salary income. Also, cut down excessively on purchase of luxury items, reduce frivolous spending, and seek for personal grants from institutions granting SMEs funds.
10.                       CREATE A PRESENTATION OF YOUR IDEA: - It is time for you to put your idea in clear and presentable format. You could create an online profile or hardcopy of it, if what you offer will need a graphical illustration, make sure to spice it up with images that will create a first impression that will last so long and make the customer ask for more.

With these 10 TIPS at your disposal it will be wise of you to plan year 2015 ahead. Try and evaluate your resolve to see what needs to be done to achieve the dream of becoming self empowered and take self control of your life.

Olanite Lekan


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