Earlier, the defence counsel, Mr. Effiong, had argued that remanding the accused persons in prison would amount to trampling on their fundamental human rights.
He pleaded that they be sent to either of EFCC’s facilities in Abuja or Kano.
"However, counsel to EFCC, Chile Okoroma, objected to the plea, saying EFCC’s facilities were full to capacity both in Kano and Abuja".
Two things caught my attention in this matter.
Firstly, The Ex Governor even has the temerity to ask if he is now a Prisoner, this country would have witnesses catastrophic situation if Buhari had not emerged President because the corrupt leaders would have continued business as usual
Secondly, EFCC Counsel said their facilities were full to capacity both in Kano and Abuja, hen hen!, so there are so many culprits in EFCC dragnet and yet no change in the corruption perception index of the country, i think Buhari needs to change all the personnel in the EFCC institution because they all must have been infested with a common virus worse than EBOLA.