Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Corruption Clampdown: Jonathan’s Men Found Secretly Returning FG Properties

President Buhari is silently firing the missiles..

“Throughout today (yesterday), we have been receiving calls from some of the former aides and officials of government who claim that whatever was still in their possession were taken and were being kept either by their families members or personal assistants.

Read more: http://newsrescue.com/corruption-clampdown-jonathans-men-found-secretly-returning-fg-properties/#ixzz3jC278dCS

Corruption Clampdown: Jonathan’s Men Found Secretly Returning FG Properties
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Monday, August 17, 2015


Every year there are millions of new small businesses opening each year and that number does not include the small one-person entrepreneurships that pop up every day. According to reports, two-thirds of new businesses survive at least two years and 44 percent survive at least four years. Two of the key factors in the businesses survival and ability to thrive are:

·        The owner's education level and
·        The owner's reason for starting the firm in the first place.

How can you make sure that you are among the winners rather than the losers in this high stakes game? The answer lies in you. You must ask yourself five key questions to determine whether your own small business will survive and thrive.

Have you mentally prepared yourself for the switch from employee (or student or whatever label fits you currently) to boss. You are going to be the one making decisions now about everything from office products to product line. This total control is one of the driving forces behind many people who take the plunge into starting their own business but it is also one of the elements that drive new entrepreneurs crazy. When you start out there is an endless list of decisions that need to be made and new questions crop up every day.

Even more important you will need to remember that in a small business you will wear many hats. Even if you manage to start out with one or more employees you will each fulfill more than one role in your new business? And if you are running a one-man or one-woman show then you serve in every capacity from file clerk to maintenance crew to salesman to CEO. Can you handle switching from task to task and role to role like that? Are you willing to make those switches?
Similarly, have you prepared your family and friends for this switch in attitude? Your life is going to change -- probably pretty drastically -- and that change can have a positive or negative impact on your family life and social interactions. It will make things much easier if your friends and family are supportive going into the process.

There is need to identify what drives your passion and what niche you wish to explore, one of the reasons many businesses fail is that they fail to focus on a target audience. Yes if you are a major discount chain then you can sell everything from peanuts to wallpaper but this type of business requires vast resources that just aren't available to the small business. But small businesses dominate the marketplace (creating more than 50 percent of the private gross domestic product in any economy) by finding a different approach -- a niche.

Knowing your niche means you are better able to find, target, and maintain your customers as well as provide the best possible goods and services to that customer base. That focus is one of your best chances to not only survive but to thrive in a very competitive marketplace.

Another key factor in the survival and ultimate success of your business is how much planning you do before you open your electronic or physical doors.  You need to decide if your business will be based on the internet or include more traditional models. Are you going to work full-time or part-time at your new business? Are you going to hire help or do it all alone? Have you written (or at least outlined) your business plan? Dreaming, thinking and planning can save you much trouble and waste later when things are hectic and problems strike. Planning can also help keep you focused and to balance your spending and time.

At some point, no matter how experienced a business person you are, you will need help. You will need support, advice, tools, or information -- or all of the above. One of
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Today 17th August marks the Wedding Anniversary to my friend now my wife and also exactly six years I left the banking system for an entrepreneurship, Myself and my wife initially planned to go out to a fun place and enjoy the day while thanking God for bringing us to this stage of our union, however, my wife decided to enroll for further training in her business where she would be learning how to use 3D and other sophisticated measuring and cutting edge instruments to improve her business and today coincidentally happens to be the first day of the training course, so we postponed our honeymoon till next weekend for her to start the training. In case you don’t know what my does, find out on her page here……………

Likewise, in order to put a mark to the celebration of my six years sojourn in self-employment, I also decided to share this FREE REPORTS on how to successfully start your own business with little or NO Capital.
Are you thinking about setting up your own business? Have you an idea for a new business but are unsure about how to proceed? If you have answered yes to either of these questions, this article could be of benefit to you. I am going to write about how to plan and create a successful small business. Do you need a second job while still in paid employment? Read on to gain a better insight….

Working two jobs is quickly becoming the norm instead of the exception.  Many people even work three jobs. Getting a Second Job for the Short Term is an essential ingredients to starting a business of your own……Related…..http://bit.ly/1JcxRNG

Many people are looking at ways in which they can become self-employed as they have had enough of being dictated to and fed up of long and frustrating commutes to work. They want the freedom of being their own boss and to be able to choose their own hours of work. I had this unpleasant feeling when I was working with Guaranty Trust Bank plc as a marketing personnel, it was fun at the beginning but as time went by it became a nightmare going to work every blessed day. I had to put in my resignation to avoid the pitfall of regrets that comes with JOB not driven by passion.

See related article.. http://bit.ly/1MwLeuL

Leaving a full time career can be quite a scary prospect however. The security of having a regular income and other benefits such as a pension and a Loan, Health and Housing schemes can seem hard to let go. I am sure many people whether rightly or wrongly have opted to stick with this security and to merely keep their business plan as an idea, which they never see through or use.

Other people are willing and happy to take the risk and see it as a way of getting out of the rat race. When I took the decision in August 2009 to resign my appointment with Gtbank plc, I almost was crucified by my parent, colleagues, family and friends for leaving Certainty for Uncertainty, going from Known to Unknown and leaving a Paid Job to a Self-employed business ventures whose success has not been tested. However, the odds seem unfavorable at first, but it has become more passionate as time passes. I have fallen, failed, rises, succeed and had better experience in managing business, I have equally grown thick skin to the challenges of business, all these I wouldn’t have achieved if I am still in paid employment.

See related article http://bit.ly/1TNm5jD

It has been 6 years down the line and I have not had any cause to apply for a job anywhere apart from my own small business venture which I have been managing after my resignation. In between this little period of transition from employee to an entrepreneur, I have achieved a quantum of experience, knowledge, goodwill and connections that comes with driving your true passion to attain success in life. I cannot begin to count my blessings or mention by numbers how much I have achieved since taking the decision to quit paid job but I can confidently reveal that I have set the stage for the BIG BANG! about to happen very soon. It’s been awesome seeing my humble
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