Tuesday, February 23, 2021


Honestly, I have never really been worried and disheartened in recent times as compared with the period when I was an employee chasing unimaginable monthly sales targets here and there. I was terribly stressed when I was still single in contrast to when I am now happily married with kids and lots of fatherly roles to play at the home front. I appear to take life more uncomplicated now than ever before not because I have everything but rather because I had cause to be thankful for the much little I have.
 Apparently, I am taking solace in the fact that "The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have."
Though, research has shown that there are more cases of stress induced depression, low productivity and performance at workplace, decreasing morals and motivation, absence of positive thinking, high level of domestic abuse and escalated violence, recurrent suicidal actions, extreme drug abuse and excessive alcoholism and many other anti-social activities in the society at large. In order to tone down the effect of stress in our daily lives, here are 55 surefire steps needed to reduce tension from your life:
1.     First and foremost, you need to identify the real cause of stress.

2.     Activities causing stress and tension should be noted down and analyzed twice in a month.

3.     Your reactions to each stressful event should be recollected and compared with one another.

4.     You Should not give immediate response to stressful event, always take little time to think and ponder on the best alternative cause of action.

5.     If any tension comes, ask your inner mind for a solution, he is more intelligent than you.

6.     Past is past, always concentrate on future events and gather courage and willpower.

7.     You need not bother about your loss, but find out the reason for it and try to solve it.

8.     Face all situations with confidence.

9.     Keep faith in God and believe in Him alone to make things work out as you desires.

10.                        Always hope for the best in all things you do.

11.                        Always keep a positive approach.

12.                        Before doing anything plan a solution to face a negative situation.

13.                        You should not live your life only for money reason alone.

14.                        Help the poor people if you can, it gives you a sense of fulfillment.

15.                        Visit the sick people and give them moral support, it could be the best and last moment for you or the sick ones.

16.                        Whenever you are tensed take a deep breath and relax.

17.                        Don’t ever replace working hard with prayer and replacing prayer with hard work.

18.                        If any stress comes, look at the beautiful things around you most especially the nature.

19.                        Keep some inspirational and motivational books around you, read whenever you are stressed or under pressure.

20.                        Practice breathing exercises regularly.

21.                        Keep little time for positive thinking and meditation, an hour a day will refresh your mental alertness.

22.                        If you are tensed up, make a surprise call to your loved ones, spouse, parents or old friends.

23.                        When you are tensed think about others who suffer from more serious problems.

24.                        Keep close contact with your family and share some problems with them.

25.                        Go for pleasure trips with your family members.

26.                        Avoid sedentary and isolated life; always mingle with others to reduce the chances of being wayward or suicidal when faced with severe stress and tension.

27.                        Always approach others with a smile, it is the most natural way to bond with people and also a stress reliever.

28.                        Laughing and sharing jokes with others will make you feel relaxed.

29.                        If any stressful event comes, discuss it with your partner or intimate friend.

30.                        Spend quality time with your kids and join in their toy stories and child’s play.

31.                        Always approach the people in a polite manner, first impression lasts.

32.                        Maximum attempt should be made to reduce enmity towards others as this will stimulate the stress level.

33.                        Keep a regular routine for your activities.

34.                        Stop procrastinating and start getting more things done as quickly as you can possibly do.

35.                        Sound sleep and quality bedtime relaxation is very essential to calm down your mind and body.

36.                        Avoid staying in stuffy and unventilated atmosphere, always prefer room with fresh air.

37.                        Learn to get up as early as possible in the morning, it always sets the tone for more active and brighter day ahead.

38.                        Wear some perfumes when necessary and freshen up your rooms or workplace with nice fragrances.

39.                        Personal hygiene should be maintained at all times and in all places.

40.                        Your health problems should be discussed with medial professionals and follow their instructions.

41.                        Make a habit of cleaning the home and surroundings as often as possible.

42.                        Keep sexual relations with only one partner, this will prevent emotional stress and reduce the risk of contacting STDs.

43.                        Always take a walk in between every other activities, it is a good way to relax the brain and calm the nerves.

44.                        Afternoon sleep is good but should not be a deep sleep with snoring.

45.                        Listening to good music sometimes recalibrates the mind.

46.                        Spend little time with pet animals if you cared for one.

47.                        Engage in some games such as chess, scrabble, Sudoku, swimming, tennis, football, etc.

48.                        Keep some time to engage in your hobbies.

49.                        When you have the time, write some literal things like articles, poems and stories.

50.                        Keep a regular timing for food, even skipping a breakfast sometimes can trigger stress and tension.

51.                        Take plenty of fruits and vegetables.

52.                        Prepare your favorite meal and have it with your family and friends at the dinner table, picnic and other memorable places.

53.                        Excessive drinking and eating should be avoided, obesity and other eating disorders are some of the causes of stress and mental depressions.

54.                        Learn to always speak the truth absolutely, it is the best way to free the mind from unnecessary worries.

55.                         Don’t forget to share these tips with others, you just might be the reason someone somewhere is overcoming his/her worries.

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