Wednesday, February 4, 2015

3 Common Reasons Why People Fall Into Procrastination

There can be several reasons why people procrastinate. Some people procrastinate without realizing that they are already doing it, while others are well aware yet do not take any course of action to stop it. We’ll be checking on some of the most common reasons as to why people end up procrastinating rather than doing tasks the way they should be. Let’s find out with some of the examples below:

The Immense Fear Of Failure

There are individuals that treat failure as a stepping stone towards learning and ultimately success in life. Others, on the other hand have a different viewpoint on failure. It seems that failure has a devastating effect on most people, making them fall through the cracks and causing them to
procrastinate instead. For a procrastinator, failure brings about lowered self-esteem and that results in procrastination. Although not all failures breed an unlikely future, once procrastinators fail to meet their goals in an attempt to succeed, they fall even deeper into procrastination ridding themselves of optimism and hope.

The Horrors Of Success

Yes, you read it right. The horror of success. Unlike normal thinking individuals, certain procrastinators have fear of both failure and success. To these people success only brings even more pressure. So much pressure that the next time they do something they tend to think that it takes too much of them and they fear that they may not make the cut anymore.


You can often see people that are not persuaded by any sort of negotiation even when the terms are already greatly in their favor. These rebellious procrastinators are common in society. They deliberately delay tasks, impede protocol, defy standards, and falter expectations. Rebellious procrastination can be done by anyone, especially if they are feel they are oppressed in some way and that the odds are against them.

The reason for procrastination varies for every individual. The exact reason for each person might not be directly pointed out, as some of those reasons have underlying causes that could have rooted deeper than an average procrastinator. On the other hand, the reasons stated above are among the most commonly seen reasons of why people procrastinate. Avoiding this kind of behavior is never an easy task. It often involves an overhaul of personal behavior and outlook in life. If in case you find yourself procrastinating or chronically doing so, evaluate yourself, seek help of a professional if you may. This problem is not to be taken lightly as it may cost you your whole career and rob you of the life that you could have had.


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